Advantages And Disadvantages Of Composite Decking
Composite decking refers to a specific type of material that is made out of wood flour and plastic, creating decking material that combines the appearance and physical qualities of both types of material. This unique material composition means that composite decking has a distinctive set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the benefits of composite decking and what considerations come with it can help you decide whether composite decking is the right fit for installation on your property.
Advantages of Composite Decking
Moisture Damage Resistance: One of the largest benefits of composite decking is the fact that it is much more resistant to water exposure than regular wood. This means that composite decking will rarely warp, split, rot, or otherwise change its shape over time due to heavy rainfall and high humidity levels.
Splinter-proof: Another benefit of composite decking when compared to traditional hardwood decking is that it will not splinter or break into sections over time, which means that it will not leave dangerous splinters sticking up over time.
Aesthetic Appeal: Another key thing to note about composite decking is that it comes in a wide range of different predetermined colors and shades. The presence of wood material within composite decking means that you can easily replicate the appearance of hardwood decking, but you can also choose to have more vibrant or alternative colors installed, giving you more customization options. Furthermore, composite decking is colored all the way through, which can obscure minor dents and scratches that can occur normally over time.
Disadvantages of Composite Decking
Slip Resistance: A major downside of choosing composite decking over other types of patio or decking materials is the fact that it becomes extremely slippery when exposed to moisture. This is due to its inability to absorb water coupled with the smooth surface of the deck boards themselves. Composite decking is thus a safety risk for younger children and the elderly and is not well suited for installation near swimming pools.
Mold: While composite decking is highly resistant to absorbing moisture, it is susceptible to mold and mildew growth, since it is partially made out of organic materials. This is a real concern if your deck is located in a shaded area and experiences a heavy amount of rainfall or humidity exposure throughout the year. Because of this susceptibility, you will have to regularly clean and power wash your deck to prevent aesthetic and structural damage caused by extensive mold growth.