3 Homemade, Natural Pest Control Methods For Dealing With Your Roach Problem

If you have a roach problem, you may want to find ways of dealing with it that does not use chemicals. Below are three homemade methods for controlling the nasty, little invaders that are nontoxic and safe to use around your family.

Coffee Can And Bread Trap

If you have an area in your kitchen where the roaches like to congregate, set up a coffee can and bread trap. The bread serves as bait. Once they are in the can, the petroleum jelly smeared on the inside of the can keeps them from being able to get out.

To make the trap, place five slices of bread in the can and saturate them with water. Wipe the insides of the can dry and apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly to three inches down from the top of the can.

Place the can in a well-traveled area in your kitchen before you go to bed. When you wake up, check the trap to see if there are any bugs in it. If so, empty the contents into a doubled plastic bag, tie tightly, and throw it away.

The next night, reset the trap by following the above instructions. Repeat until you no longer see any roaches taking the bait.

Duct Tape Trap

When you have a broader traffic area to cover, the coffee-can trap may not be enough to get rid of the roaches. Instead, use a duct tape trap that uses bread as bait. When the insects try to eat it, they will become stuck to the adhesive and will not be able to get away.

In the areas where you have seen activity. lay two strips of duct tape side by side. Overlap the strips by a quarter of an inch. Break up a slice of bread into small pieces and place them along the seam.

Every morning, check for any stuck-on roaches. If you find them, simply wad up the tape and throw it in the garbage can outside of your home. Reset the trap using fresh tape.

Catnip And Bay Leaf Repellent Sachets

Once you bring your cockroach population down to a minimum, use these catnip and bay leaf repellent sachets as a repellent. Both catnip and bay leaves are repulsive to the insects and the smell will keep them away. For every sachet, you will also need a six-inch by 6-inch piece of fabric and four inches of twine or yarn.

In the center of the fabric, place a tablespoon of catnip and one bay leaf. Pull the corners up into the center. Then, wrap the twine or yarn and tie it in a knot.

After you have your sachet made, place it in areas the roaches are known to hang out. You can place them in your drawers and cabinets. You can also put them on the floor next to any potential entry points.

If you have cats, you may not want to place them in any open areas. Your furry felines may try to tear them open to get to the catnip or play with them as toys.

Once you have your sachets placed, check them every two weeks to see if their odor is still strong. If not, open them up and replace the catnip and bay leaves. Then, put them back. This will keep them fresh so they can continue to drive away the roaches.

The above methods should take care of small roach problems. However, if you find that you have a large infestation, you may want to contact a pest control company to discuss green ways of getting rid of your unwelcome guests.
